So here's the scoop: we bought visas in the states but right before we left, Ukraine decided to change all its visa laws and policies, and there's a lot of uncertainty about what to do. It's complicated living in Ukraine because nobody ever knows what's going on. With the visas, for example, the Ukrainian government is saying one thing, the US embassy sent out an email saying something different, Manna's Ukrainian lawyer said something else, and the head of the school Suzie works at went to a meeting and they said something that condradicted everything already said. So what do we do? We can't register our visas, and so we will most likely have get new visas the next time we leave the country. After hearing this news, our team decided to dig a tunnel to Poland to get these new visas (there's plenty of good shovels at Smile House)! Please pray that everything works out and that God's hand will be in this!
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of hosting two sisters here in Kiev, Tiffany and Natalie. When they came to Ukraine from America, they brought 280 blankets to give out to children in need! The blankets were awesome! Natalie and Tiffany go to Liberty College, and they had decided to do something for kids in Ukraine. They chose to make blankets. With the help of many prayer groups at Liberty, they came up with 280 beautiful, colorful, warm and fuzzy blankets, and each one had cards inside with Bible verses and notes from the people who made them. What a wonderful idea! We spent three days going around to different places to hand out the blankets, and it was precious! First we went to our orphanage, Komarivka. The majority of the kids had gone home for the holidays, but about 30 kids remained. You should have seen their faces! Such big smiles all around! One of my favorite pictures ever of two giggling girls, Luda and Vita! Some of the older girls, Larissa, Natasha, J...
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