London is brilliant. We went two weeks ago to get away for a bit and reset our visas. It was seriously the best vacation...everything was in English and I almost cried. We were able to stay with some of Daniel's family, thus saving us money (London is expensive), and we were able to do a variety of things. We did some tourist stuff, such as visiting:
Buckingham Palace (just the outside)...
...and then we happened to see cool guys on horsies.
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul's Cathedral (where Lord Nelson is buried).
At the top of St. Paul's. We climbed somewhere around 550 stairs to get here.
The happy couple!
Then we went to the British Museum and saw thousands of artifacts from the ancient world. What is pictured above? I'll give you a clue: it's black and grey.
There were so many interesting things to look at, and we took way too many pictures.
Somebody's horse.
Daniel walking among the ancient Egyptians. My favorite picture ever.
Torcs from Ireland. I once worn one of these to prom.
Yes, we went to England and had fish and chips! Yes, when we go back to England we won't be having fish and chips!
We also rode the tube and minded the gap.
This is Windsor Castle. We spent the day there touring the grounds, state apartments, and seeing Queen Mary's giant dollhouse. After seeing all that, I have decided that some people just have too much money.
Pirate versus Palace Guard. Who would you root for?
These folks are related to Daniel somehow. We loved getting to know them and they were the best, most generous hosts ever. We came back to Ukraine with a ton of goodies from them....think peanut butter, salsa, kettle corn, cornbread mixes, and lemonade mix, among other things.

Their oldest is named Wyatt. If you want one of these yourselves, first take an energetic 5-year old boy. Then mix in a good dose of Legos and Star Wars, and sprinkle in some mad wrestling skills. Now you have a Wyatt! Batteries sold separately.
Their youngest is named Kortlyn, and she is the cutest thing on two wheels. She adores Daniel (who doesn't?) and she learned to walk just for us.
Did I tell you that our hosts were amazing? Apart from letting us stay with them, they took us around to different places including Windsor Castle, bookstores, Costco, and an American style restaurant (we had BBQ ribs that were delicious). And, to top it all off, they made us chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and fried okra. Let's just say that we might have to go back to England. *Soon.*
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