There are many foods that you can only get in Ukraine and that I would die without. I guess I should have a disclaimer and say that I don't really know what I'm talking about, maybe you can get these foods elsewhere but I am really out of the loop. The first is chocolate cream cheese and it is delightful.
Next we have:
The juice aisles are overwhelming. They have every possible juice you can imagine, even straight up banana juice. The good news is that cranberries have not invaded this section of the supermarket, so we're safe.
You can find a plethora of jerkies here, including horse.
Speaking of jerky, you can also get dried fish to gnaw on.
These are just a few items I saw and took a picture of, but there are plenty of other things you can find here, like that unidentified meat I saw at MegaMarket the other day.
Final Question: Who thought I put the Snickers bar on here as a joke? If you did, look again. It's a Snickers with hazelnuts! Ha ha!
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