This post is late, but I wanted to share it anyway. Several weeks ago, just after I got back from the States, we invited the family at Second Chance over for a special Christmas dinner. We wanted to treat them to an American-style holiday complete with food, Christmas music, pretty decorations, and of course presents and stockings. For dinner we had chicken broccoli alfredo with a fresh garden salad and white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies for dessert, accompanied by hot chocolate and Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory toffee. It was rather splendid. Here are the pictures:
Katya, Marina, Ira, Janna
Kolya, Katya, Ira, Janna
Nose picker one and two
Digging for gold
Katya, Ira, Halya, and baby David
Knee glasses

old grandpas
"back in my day, we walked fifteen miles to school barefoot...."
Thanks Ross family for sending the glasses. We didn't have very much fun with them, as you can see from the pictures, but maybe next time you'll think of something better.
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