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The protests in Ukraine

Janna and I live only about 5 miles from where most of the violence is taking place, but when we walk to the neighborhood grocery store, you can easily forget that we live in a country in turmoil because everything is going along just like normal.  At church, we’ve spent a lot of time praying about recent events, and about the future of Ukraine.  I can see the concern on everyone’s faces.  But on the other hand, last week when we went to the orphanage, not a single kid or teacher asked about events in Kyiv.  People write us everyday wondering if we are ok, if we are safe, when we are planning on evacuating the country.  But Tuesday night we went over to Second Chance and did English lessons with the girls, ate lasagna and played games.  Life is going along like normal, except that we check the Kyiv Post more regularly than usual.  At least for now, we aren’t in any danger.  But even if things get worse, I don’t want to leave, I want to keep working with the kids so that they will have a hope and a future and know the love that God has for them. 

We do appreciate the concern so many people have shown for us and our safety.  And we do ask everyone to pray for the situation in Ukraine, as temperatures are dropping, but tempers are rising.  But Janna and I are not afraid.   We have confidence in the Grace of God, and I know heaven is going to be amazing.   I used to say all the time, “We’re all gonna die.  And its going to be fantastic!”  What is there to be afraid of when Jesus has taken away the power of death?

If I may be so bold, one of my greatest frustrations is people who say that they are Christians and say that they believe in an all-powerful, loving God, but are afraid of  … well … everything.  Have faith, and keep perspective.  While we were in the US, speaking in Churches, someone in almost every church asked us, “Is it safe?”  and every time we had to fight the urge to respond with, “Does it matter?” As soon as we start living in fear, we stop living in faith. 

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life … which of your by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life.  Matthew 6:25,27


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